Friday, October 06, 2006

Peter Sellers... t3h mayne. The man absolutely owns everything. In case some of you wonder where Kamal Hassan gets his comic inspiration from, look no further than the late, great Peter Sellers. I just some more "Pink Panther" on DVD, and the guy reminded me why I was on the floor clutching my guts from the pain caused by the preceding laughter most of the time when I watched these movies as a kid. The accent, Cato, the "beumbs and phewns"...everything. Not that one should go only by the Panther series -- "Dr. Strangelove..." is just as brilliant. It was initially bizzare thinking Kubrick and Sellers actually worked together, but in the end it made sense. They're mad!

And if you're a Sellers fan, watch "The Life and Death of Peter Sellers". Geoffrey Rush does an impeccable job.

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