Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Kal El Jr.??!

Seriously. I did not see that coming. I heard people go "nice movie". I heard people go "t3h sux0rz"... alright they didn't say that. I even heard people go "Super-who?". No one, not even die-hard Superman fans told me he had/has a son in the movie. My only question is, aren't Lois and Clark/Superman s'posed to be having Super-sex at some point of time to concieve a Super-baby? Or have I missed out on something. I've heard and read the theory of Clark and Lois having a thing (back in the original Superman 2) and therefore having made Super-love. But my personal conspiracy theory is this, and I don't care if Superman fans are offended: Superman "popped" in and out at the speed of light, before Lois could even have a Super-orgasm.

Oh and Kevin Spacey=t3h pwn~

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