Thursday, August 10, 2006

Are wrestling fans in India dumb?

Or do our famed local sports networks make us to be. Seriously, ESPN/Star/Star World's coverage of TNA's shows is absolutely appalling. The chronology if the shows is messed and even moreso the commentary. I sent out an e-mail to the so called programming guys -- yes, through the default e-mail address mentioned in the show -- and discussed said issues but no reply yet, as predicted.

That annoying commentator who keeps saying "munna" every second sentence as if he was a thug yesterday in the mean streets of aamchi Mumbai needs to watch MORE wrestling in order to be a WRESTLING COMMENTATOR. A smoothly executed Butterfly Suplex is NOT an "overhead slam". Nincompoops. Yeah, I'm a wrestling geek who watches "WW" on TV all the time. And no, it's not "fake".


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