Sunday, October 08, 2006

Work on a Sunday

What kind of a person asks another to work on a Sunday? Why is it that it's always someone asking you to work on a Sunday and not vice versa? Oh yeah, I'm not a "boss".
It's not longer a weekend, its a week-rollover. And your whole day is f*cked because you wake up thinking "oh f*ck I gotta work today, a Sunday!" and once you're done working you end up thinking "holy s*it! did I just waste a whole damn Sunday?!"
Now a Sunday is a post-hangover, sit at home, watch a movie, sleep more kind of a day to begin with. To expect one to work, and get the work done as well is outrageous. I propose we find the Sunday work-givers and use tweezers to pluck their pubic hair.

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