Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Batman Begins vs. Superman Returns

Not sure if this topic has been covered before, but as you may know from the previous post, I just finished watching "Superman Returns" some time back, hence the inevtiable comparison topic.

I'd have to give the nod to "Batman Begins" for being a more complete film. There were a lot of little nuances in the movie and the fact that Nolan covered pretty much everything from Wayne's "fears to Batman's Ninja skills to the Bat Utility Belt. I just didn't like the overdose of "loopy" dialogue.

Although "Superman..." also has it's positives. For example the whole "son" thing wasn't something I expected. And it didn't indulge in extravagant dialogues like "Batman..." did. Which is an irony for me because "Batman Begins" was a more "real" film, while "Superman Returns" deals with, well, super powers.

I've been partial to the Batman faction all these years. Though I've nothing against the Man of Steel, I'm more eagerly awaiting the Batman Sequel (titled "The Dark Knight, or so I heard) more than Superman's.

On a related note, did anyone notice the similarities?

1. Both directed by directors with cult hits to their name. One might argue "The Usual Suspects" wasn't really a cult hit, but then again not many people here have heard of or seen the damn movie!

2. Both have relatively unknown lead actors.

3. Both have leading ladies whose first names are "Kate"... alright fine, it's Katie technically. But indulge me. Both titles are "active" phrases.

That's all I can think of for now. Anyways... um... cool...

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