Saturday, February 24, 2007

My Life Is Falling To Pieces...

Actually, it isn't. But Mike Patton's is. So what's up?

The World Cup's not too far away. My intuition, for some very odd reason, says Sri Lanka. But Australia will probably motherfluff everyone anyway. India? Hmmm...I'd be happy if we reach the Semis and Chappell gets to keep his job. I still have faith in him, so screw j00!

And yours truly plans to lose his head literally on the 17th of March. Eddie's gonna be there too!

I got contacts, and it sux0rz.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


That's right! I don't blog that often anymore. And you know what? I don't care! If you get to see one of these here fellers, consider yourself closer to nirvana than your nearest CD store!

(Bad one)

I'm just gonna sit here in front of my comp, listen to Zappa and show you the binary finger: 1001110111001111010 (The last few 0's and 1's are the exclamation mark)