Monday, January 15, 2007

An apology of a post

Yeah. I know I'm not an everyday blogger. My life isn't that interesting that I have stuff to say every single day. And share with the millions that read this blog. So I decided to write this bit instead.

So, I watched Episode IV and V of Star Wars over the last couple of weeks. Noticed the apparent lack of research when it came to naming the advanced technology that those people had then. Power Converters? Stabilisers? Motivators? "We would probably hit thar great shield. Yeah...that's it. It's an energy shield." Someone had a brain fart there eh? And who killed fashion in the future? Were there no alternative employment opportunities? What happened to advertising flunkies like me? What happened to movies, actors and the like. But most importantly, what happened to the progeny of Britney and K-Fed? Questions the force cannot own up to.

Ok, I'll shut up lest the force smote me.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The "first post of the year" post

By the way, I still don't know what the rule on headline grammar is. Do I need a full-stop/period? Is it mixed case?
Things that have changed since the last post:
1. The year (didn't see that coming, did you).
2. My connection speed -- apparently I get a free "upgrade" to 2 MPBS thanks to BSNL's generosity. Unfortunately, my speed has only gone down since this so-called "upgrade".
3. Our team won yet another cricket match -- I did even less this time around.

That's about it. Can't think of any more.